Call For Paper

Conference Call For Paper

History of architecture and the built environment
Individual buildings and building types
Town planning
Architectural theory
Developments in construction
Construction management
Construction safety and Health
Architectural design and it's theory
Bridge engineering and building
Materials and construction systems
Building technology
Construction and control; detection and transformation
Structural engineering and disaster reduction
Social research examines the people who inhabit and use the spaces of architecture
Technological research studies the physical materials, methods, elements, systems, and science of architecture and the design and construction processes
Environmental research investigates the physical context of architecture, opening timely questions about the influence of society on the environment
Cultural research studies place-
making and the norms of the inhabitants of natural and built places past, present, and future Organizational research examines the ways in which individuals and teams collaborate in the practice of architecture and in the client organizations
Design research considers the processes of shaping and making of places
Educational Research examines the pedagogies of architecture and related fields